Balance Sheet
The BalanceSheet
is the global debt registry for Hifi. It tracks the collateral deposits and the debt taken on by all
When a user borrow hTokens, a vault is opened for them in the BalanceSheet
. All vaults are recorded and managed in
this contract.
This is the only upgradeable contract in the Hifi protocol. The most up to date version is the BalanceSheetV2.
Constant Functions
function getBondList(
address account
) external returns (contract IHToken[])
Returns the list of bond markets the given account entered.
It is not an error to provide an invalid address.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The borrower account to make the query against. |
function getCollateralAmount(
address account,
contract IErc20 collateral
) external returns (uint256 collateralAmount)
Returns the amount of collateral deposited by the given account for the given collateral type.
It is not an error to provide an invalid address.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The borrower account to make the query against. |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The collateral to make the query against. |
function getCollateralList(
address account
) external returns (contract IErc20[])
Returns the list of collaterals the given account deposited.
It is not an error to provide an invalid address.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The borrower account to make the query against. |
function getCurrentAccountLiquidity(
address account
) external returns (uint256 excessLiquidity, uint256 shortfallLiquidity)
Calculates the current account liquidity.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The account to make the query against. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
excessLiquidity | uint256 | account liquidity in excess of collateral requirements. |
shortfallLiquidity | uint256 | account shortfall below collateral requirements |
function getDebtAmount(
address account,
contract IHToken bond
) external returns (uint256 debtAmount)
Returns the amount of debt accrued by the given account in the given bond market.
It is not an error to provide an invalid address.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The borrower account to make the query against. |
bond | contract IHToken | The bond to make the query against. |
function getHypotheticalAccountLiquidity(
address account,
contract IErc20 collateralModify,
uint256 collateralAmountModify,
contract IHToken bondModify,
uint256 debtAmountModify
) external returns (uint256 excessLiquidity, uint256 shortfallLiquidity)
Calculates the account liquidity given a modified collateral, collateral amount, bond and debt amount, using the current prices provided by the oracle.
Works by summing up each collateral amount multiplied by the USD value of each unit and divided by its respective collateral ratio, then dividing the sum by the total amount of debt drawn by the user.
- This function expects that the "collateralList" and the "bondList" are each modified in advance to include the collateral and bond due to be modified.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The account to make the query against. |
collateralModify | contract IErc20 | The collateral to make the check against. |
collateralAmountModify | uint256 | The hypothetical normalized amount of collateral. |
bondModify | contract IHToken | The bond to make the check against. |
debtAmountModify | uint256 | The hypothetical amount of debt. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
excessLiquidity | uint256 | hypothetical account liquidity in excess of collateral requirements. |
shortfallLiquidity | uint256 | hypothetical account shortfall below collateral requirements |
function getRepayAmount(
contract IErc20 collateral,
uint256 seizableCollateralAmount,
contract IHToken bond
) external returns (uint256 repayAmount)
Calculates the amount of hTokens that should be repaid in order to seize a given amount of collateral. Note that this is for informational purposes only, it doesn't say anything about whether the user can be liquidated.
The formula applied:
Name | Type | Description |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The collateral to make the query against. |
seizableCollateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of collateral to seize. |
bond | contract IHToken | The bond to make the query against. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens that should be repaid. |
function getSeizableCollateralAmount(
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 repayAmount,
contract IErc20 collateral
) external returns (uint256 seizableCollateralAmount)
Calculates the amount of collateral that can be seized when liquidating a borrow. Note that this is for informational purposes only, it doesn't say anything about whether the user can be liquidated.
The formula applied:
Name | Type | Description |
bond | contract IHToken | The bond to make the query against. |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens to repay. |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The collateral to make the query against. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
seizableCollateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of seizable collateral. |
Non-Constant Functions
function borrow(
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 borrowAmount
) external
Increases the debt of the caller and mints new hTokens.
Emits a {Borrow} event.
- The Fintroller must allow this action to be performed.
- The maturity of the bond must be in the future.
- The amount to borrow cannot be zero.
- The new length of the bond list must be below the max bonds limit.
- The new total amount of debt cannot exceed the debt ceiling.
- The caller must not end up having a shortfall of liquidity.
Name | Type | Description |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract. |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens to borrow and print into existence. |
function depositCollateral(
contract IErc20 collateral,
uint256 depositAmount
) external
Deposits collateral in the caller's account.
Emits a {DepositCollateral} event.
- The Fintroller must allow this action to be performed.
- The amount to deposit cannot be zero.
- The caller must have allowed this contract to spend
tokens. - The new collateral amount cannot exceed the collateral ceiling.
Name | Type | Description |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The address of the collateral contract. |
depositAmount | uint256 | The amount of collateral to deposit. |
function liquidateBorrow(
address borrower,
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 repayAmount,
contract IErc20 collateral
) external
Repays the debt of the borrower and rewards the caller with a surplus of collateral.
Emits a {LiquidateBorrow} event.
- All from "repayBorrow".
- The caller cannot be the same with the borrower.
- The Fintroller must allow this action to be performed.
- The borrower must have a shortfall of liquidity if the bond didn't mature.
- The amount of seized collateral cannot be more than what the borrower has in the vault.
Name | Type | Description |
borrower | address | The account to liquidate. |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract. |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens to repay. |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The address of the collateral contract. |
function repayBorrow(
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 repayAmount
) external
Erases the borrower's debt and takes the hTokens out of circulation.
Emits a {RepayBorrow} event.
- The amount to repay cannot be zero.
- The Fintroller must allow this action to be performed.
- The caller must have at least
hTokens. - The caller must have at least
Name | Type | Description |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract. |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens to repay. |
function repayBorrowBehalf(
address borrower,
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 repayAmount
) external
Erases the borrower's debt and takes the hTokens out of circulation.
Emits a {RepayBorrow} event.
- Same as the
function, but hereborrower
is the account that must have at leastrepayAmount
hTokens to repay the borrow.
Name | Type | Description |
borrower | address | The borrower account for which to repay the borrow. |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens to repay. |
function setFintroller(
contract IFintroller newFintroller
) external
Updates the Fintroller contract this BalanceSheet is connected to.
Emits a {SetFintroller} event.
- The caller must be the owner.
- The new address cannot be the zero address.
Name | Type | Description |
newFintroller | contract IFintroller | The new Fintroller contract. |
function setOracle(
contract IChainlinkOperator newOracle
) external
Updates the oracle contract.
Emits a {SetOracle} event.
- The caller must be the owner.
- The new address cannot be the zero address.
Name | Type | Description |
newOracle | contract IChainlinkOperator | The new oracle contract. |
function withdrawCollateral(
contract IErc20 collateral,
uint256 withdrawAmount
) external
Withdraws a portion or all of the collateral.
Emits a {WithdrawCollateral} event.
- The amount to withdraw cannot be zero.
- There must be enough collateral in the vault.
- The caller's account cannot fall below the collateral ratio.
Name | Type | Description |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The address of the collateral contract. |
withdrawAmount | uint256 | The amount of collateral to withdraw. |
event Borrow(
address account,
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 borrowAmount
Emitted when a borrow is made.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the borrower. |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract. |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of hTokens borrowed. |
event DepositCollateral(
address account,
contract IErc20 collateral,
uint256 collateralAmount
Emitted when collateral is deposited.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the borrower. |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The related collateral. |
collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of deposited collateral. |
event LiquidateBorrow(
address liquidator,
address borrower,
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 repayAmount,
contract IErc20 collateral,
uint256 seizedCollateralAmount
Emitted when a borrow is liquidated.
Name | Type | Description |
liquidator | address | The address of the liquidator. |
borrower | address | The address of the borrower. |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract. |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of repaid funds. |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The address of the collateral contract. |
seizedCollateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of seized collateral. |
event RepayBorrow(
address payer,
address borrower,
contract IHToken bond,
uint256 repayAmount,
uint256 newDebtAmount
Emitted when a borrow is repaid.
Name | Type | Description |
payer | address | The address of the payer. |
borrower | address | The address of the borrower. |
bond | contract IHToken | The address of the bond contract. |
repayAmount | uint256 | The amount of repaid funds. |
newDebtAmount | uint256 | The amount of the new debt. |
event SetFintroller(
address owner,
address oldFintroller,
address newFintroller
Emitted when a new Fintroller contract is set.
Name | Type | Description |
owner | address | The address of the owner. |
oldFintroller | address | The address of the old Fintroller contract. |
newFintroller | address | The address of the new Fintroller contract. |
event SetOracle(
address owner,
address oldOracle,
address newOracle
Emitted when a new oracle contract is set.
Name | Type | Description |
owner | address | The address of the owner. |
oldOracle | address | The address of the old oracle contract. |
newOracle | address | The address of the new oracle contract. |
event WithdrawCollateral(
address account,
contract IErc20 collateral,
uint256 collateralAmount
Emitted when collateral is withdrawn.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the borrower. |
collateral | contract IErc20 | The related collateral. |
collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of withdrawn collateral. |
Custom Errors
error BalanceSheet__BondMatured(contract IHToken bond)
Emitted when the bond matured.
error BalanceSheet__BorrowMaxBonds(contract IHToken bond, uint256 newBondListLength, uint256 maxBonds)
Emitted when the account exceeds the maximum numbers of bonds permitted.
error BalanceSheet__DepositMaxCollaterals(contract IErc20 collateral, uint256 newCollateralListLength, uint256 maxCollaterals)
Emitted when the account exceeds the maximum numbers of collateral permitted.
error BalanceSheet__BorrowNotAllowed(contract IHToken bond)
Emitted when borrows are not allowed by the Fintroller contract.
error BalanceSheet__BorrowZero()
Emitted when borrowing a zero amount of hTokens.
error BalanceSheet__CollateralCeilingOverflow(uint256 newTotalSupply, uint256 debtCeiling)
Emitted when the new collateral amount exceeds the collateral ceiling.
error BalanceSheet__DebtCeilingOverflow(uint256 newCollateralAmount, uint256 debtCeiling)
Emitted when the new total amount of debt exceeds the debt ceiling.
error BalanceSheet__DepositCollateralNotAllowed(contract IErc20 collateral)
Emitted when collateral deposits are not allowed by the Fintroller contract.
error BalanceSheet__DepositCollateralZero()
Emitted when depositing a zero amount of collateral.
error BalanceSheet__FintrollerZeroAddress()
Emitted when setting the Fintroller contract to the zero address.
error BalanceSheet__LiquidateBorrowInsufficientCollateral(address account, uint256 vaultCollateralAmount, uint256 seizableAmount)
Emitted when there is not enough collateral to seize.
error BalanceSheet__LiquidateBorrowNotAllowed(contract IHToken bond)
Emitted when borrow liquidations are not allowed by the Fintroller contract.
error BalanceSheet__LiquidateBorrowSelf(address account)
Emitted when the borrower is liquidating themselves.
error BalanceSheet__LiquidityShortfall(address account, uint256 shortfallLiquidity)
Emitted when there is a liquidity shortfall.
error BalanceSheet__NoLiquidityShortfall(address account)
Emitted when there is no liquidity shortfall.
error BalanceSheet__OracleZeroAddress()
Emitted when setting the oracle contract to the zero address.
error BalanceSheet__RepayBorrowInsufficientBalance(contract IHToken bond, uint256 repayAmount, uint256 hTokenBalance)
Emitted when the repayer does not have enough hTokens to repay the debt.
error BalanceSheet__RepayBorrowInsufficientDebt(contract IHToken bond, uint256 repayAmount, uint256 debtAmount)
Emitted when repaying more debt than the borrower owes.
error BalanceSheet__RepayBorrowNotAllowed(contract IHToken bond)
Emitted when borrow repays are not allowed by the Fintroller contract.
error BalanceSheet__RepayBorrowZero()
Emitted when repaying a borrow with a zero amount of hTokens.
error BalanceSheet__WithdrawCollateralUnderflow(address account, uint256 vaultCollateralAmount, uint256 withdrawAmount)
Emitted when withdrawing more collateral than there is in the vault.
error BalanceSheet__WithdrawCollateralZero()
Emitted when withdrawing a zero amount of collateral.